Estimated Costs

$3,000 - $5,000

Student's First Year

$2,000 - $3,000

Student's Following Years

Statement of Costs

While schools generously gift the students the scholarships, LE.O continues to search for more opportunities. Our process includes preparing, mentoring and matching our youth with these institutions . After fully vetting the youth's financial need LE.O will then cover Gap Funding for such things as, SAT and TOEFL testing, Visa, passport and travel costs. Bedroom set-up, warm clothing and book money.The costs vary from year to year and student to student. Incidental fees and gap funding can also include medical and dental emergencies, computer replacement. We are unique in that we take a holistic approach, Our program is multi layered encompassing all that is key in ensuring success. By investing in LE.O you strengthen a support system for the student to succeed.

Here's How it Works

LE•O embodies a unique investment opportunity to develop, support, and expand cross-cultural education for academically-inclined disadvantaged young Palestinians from the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon and beyond. Upon graduation from top-tier colleges/universities, these scholars will return to their home regions as leaders with vast international networks, prepared to advance culturally appropriate solutions to ending poverty and promoting peace and prosperity.

The most unique attribute of LE•O is the exclusive and inclusive assembly of Palestinians from their many different regions into one program. By inclusion, they are raised up together, and will by this association be prepared to work together for all Palestinians, united as the future leadership of Palestinian society. The prior experience and institutional memories of the executive staff, officers, and board members, gained through predecessor organizations, contribute greatly to the LE•O operational plan that focuses and multiplies the resources of partners around the world.

LE•O is committed to a cross-cultural staff and cross-cultural Board of Directors comprised of academics and cultural guides, financial experts, and alumni who have a shared educational experience and a vested personal interest in the future of the region.


"Thank you for your ceaseless support and steadfast belief in me."
- Hashem S.





